The Bob Newhart Show


Originally aired December 2, 1972; episode title I Want To Be Alone.  Bernie plays Dr. Fred Arnold (yet another doctor), who has an office in the same building as Dr. Bob Hartley (Newhart).  This character is almost a precursor to Doc Bricker, as will become apparent as you read on.  Take special note of the outfit that the doctor is wearing...even in the 1970's, such clashing patterns were in bad taste, LOL.



Bob and perpetual patient Mr. Carlin board the elevator, as Dr. Arnold is getting off.  Dr. Arnold complains about the torrential rain, making the neurotic Mr. Carlin wonder if his toupee will shrink in the downpour.



Bob wants to get away from it all for a few days, so he tells his friend Jerry that he's looking for a hotel.  Dr. Arnold overhears, and helpfully informs them that he knows of several hotels.



Jerry's surprised that Dr. Arnold keeps hotel addresses in his address book.  To which Dr. Arnold replies, "I am a doctor, Jerry; my answering service always has to know where I am."



Among the hotels Dr. Arnold recommends are one that has a clamshell-shaped bathtub, and one that's very popular with doctors (and is therefore booked solid on Wednesdays).


Bob asks if the latter hotel is quiet at night.  Dr. Arnold pauses for a moment, nonplussed: "I don't know anyone who's ever stayed there at night...."