Green Acres


Originally aired November 23, 1966. Kopell plays James D. Stewart, a bureaucrat who finds himself an island of calm in that sea of insanity known as Hooterville.



Trouble starts from the moment Stewart gets off the train. A rumor has spread that legendary actor Jimmy Stewart is coming to town, because one of the townspeople spoke to a "Jimmy Stewart" who said he was going to make a film in Hooterville.



They ask the newcomer to stand aside so they can get a clear view of Jimmy Stewart.



Momentarily nonplussed, Stewart suddenly understands the reason for the confusion. He explains that he's Jim Stewart, and he's looking for Oliver Douglas (Eddie Albert).



Disappointed, the townspeople stalk off angrily. Stewart tells the one remaining man that he's doing a documentary for the Department of Agriculture, and asks directions to the Douglas farm.



When Stewart says he wants to make a film of the farm as a "horrible example" of farming techniques gone wrong, Oliver takes offense. He argues that his disastrous crops are the fault of the Department of Agriculture, beause he followed their bulletins' instructions to the letter.



For obvious reasons, Stewart begs to differ. He tries to get to the bottom of the problem by asking if this is the only crop that's bad.



Lisa Douglas says it is...unless you count the soybeans and the wheat. Stewart looks at her as if he can't believe there could be a crop as bad as the corn. As he continues questioning Oliver, it becomes clear that Oliver didn't follow the bulletins' instructions nearly as well as he had thought!



Back at his office, Stewart prepares to show his supervisor the footage that he shot in Hooterville.



As the film rolls, we see scenes of "ordinary" farmer's wife Lisa brushing one of her expensive furs...Oliver in formal dress as he drives a rickety old tractor...the people of Hooterville trying not to look at the camera...and a local officer who is dressed up as a mountie (and wearing a fake beard for some inexplicable reason), knocking off his own hat as he salutes Stewart's movie camera.



When the supervisor sees the segment with Oliver on the tractor, he asks, "What's he made up for?" His voice dripping disgust, Stewart replies, "Plowing." "You're putting me on!" exclaims the other man.



Stewart starts to explain why the townspeople refuse to face the camera. Then he gives up, saying, "You wouldn't believe it, even if I explained it...."



Stewart asks what he should do with the film. His supervisor hands him a book of matches, which he uses to burn it!